As cloistered Dominican nuns, we don't go out on preaching missions, or even preach publicly at all. Instead, we preach through example, and to help us find the right way to express the truths of our faith in any way needed, we spend a certain amount of time each week studying. The more we study the truths of God, the more firm our faith should become. The sisters in formation study the specific areas they need to know as they become Dominican nuns: the vows, the Rule of St. Augustine and the Constitutions of the Nuns of the Order of Preachers, and other related topics. Professed sisters often choose a study topic to work on. To aid us in our study, we have a well-stocked library, as well as periodicals, classes on CDs and DVDs, and limited access to the Internet.
We also have a summer study program for temporary professed nuns, called Monastic Theological Studies. Sisters from all over the United States and Canada meet at one monastery for two weeks, where they have intensive classes on a variety of subjects.
Above, you can see a gallery featuring some of our many places of study throughout the monastery.